Political Awareness and Involvement
Social Action
In March of 1913, nearly six weeks after its founding, several Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Founders marched in the historic Suffragist March under the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. banner, the Sorority's first public act. Each of Delta’s programmatic initiatives has an advocacy component that is implemented under the auspices of social action when it is appropriate or necessary to do so.
Under the auspices of the National Social Action Commission, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Annapolis Alumnae continues in the footsteps of its founders to address issues of social justice and racial justice. The Chapter disseminates voter information and has voter registration at almost every activity/event it sponsors and has partnered with the Anne Arundel County NAACP to visit high schools in an effort to register eligible students.
Partnering with a local church and senior residences to transport senior citizens to the polls to cast their vote is done annually. The Chapter worked with Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis in its initiative to have residents complete the 2020 CENSUS.
Modeling diversity of race and background in its presenters, Annapolis Alumnae sponsors various seminars to raise awareness and inform residents on issues such as human trafficking, gender inequity in education and in workplace hiring, combatting voter suppression of African American communities, gentrification, school to prison pipeline, stop and frisk practices of Black boys, restoring the voting rights of ex-offenders, access to health care and the Affordable Care Act especially in underserved communities, date rape on college campuses, and much more. Annapolis Alumnae works in collaboration with other community agencies and organizations to sponsor town halls and community forums to hear the needs and interests of residents and to create a community dialogue for working together for change through executing policies and laws that improve the everyday lives of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County citizens.
Delta Days in the Nation's Capital
In 1989, the National Social Action Commission instituted Delta Days in the Nation's Capital, an annual legislative conference to increase members' involvement in the national public policy-making process. The Annapolis Alumnae Chapter leadership and members participate in all aspects of the conference and conduct legislative visits with members of Congress to voice the sorority’s legislative agenda on the national level. Legislative visits also give an opportunity to discuss issues affecting communities in the state of Maryland. The annual conference includes legislative briefings, issue forums, sessions on tracking legislation, and advocacy skills development. Work on voting rights, voter engagement, and nonpartisan activity for getting people to the polls is emphasized as well as gaining knowledge on various elected and appointed positions in local and state government. Featured speakers include key policy makers, members of the United States Congress, Congressional staff, and national issues experts. The DDNC learning and experience serves to enable Annapolis Alumnae to improve and increase its activism for social action that will make a difference in transforming Anne Arundel County communities.
Delta Day in Annapolis
The Annapolis Alumnae Chapter continues its leadership, support, and participation in Social Action through Delta Day in Annapolis. On this day, Delta members meet with legislators to voice the concerns regarding key state and local issues impacting the African American community. Annapolis Alumnae, being located in the state's capitol, takes a role in working with the MD State Social Action Coordinator and planning committee to ensure impactful activities for the day. Activities include panel discussions, interactive speakers, and group activities that address such issues as HBCU and higher education funding, racial profiling, housing needs, children living in poverty, unemployment, and many more issues needing urgent solutions. Annapolis Alumnae leadership provides opening remarks, participates in the acceptance of proclamations from the MD State Senate, and often facilitates small group discussions in the program agenda.
Delta Days at the United Nations
Special Consultative Status as an NGO allows the organization to provide analysis and expertise in monitoring and implementing international agreements on issues of mutual concern. As an NGO, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. can gain access to and disseminate information concerning a range of issues on women and children in which the United Nations is involved. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. representatives attend regular briefings and disseminate information on UN activities to its members and the community at large.