Delta Academy
Catching the Dreams of Tomorrow, Preparing Young Women for the 21st Century: The Betty Shabazz Delta Academy “Embracing Girl Power on Purpose” (Delta Academy) provides academic, social and technical resources to help prepare young girls ages 11 - 14 to be successful in the 21st century. The Annapolis Alumnae Chapter augments their academic scholarship and gives them opportunities to provide service in the Anne Arundel County community. Delta Academy teaches our young girls how to be healthy, ambitious and confident leaders, as they strive for academic excellence.
The Delta Academy curriculum is developed based on Delta's 5-Point Programmatic framework and includes social and emotional development, physiological transitioning, and exposure to global ideas. Specific sessions include financial planning and management, career exploration, coding, emergency response, social media, anti-bullying, resilience, character development, alcohol and drugs, social justice education and social action, juvenile justice, and human trafficking. Our chapter program emphasizes science, technology, engineering and mathematics through The Thelma T. Daley STEM initiative, designed to create an interest in STEM in our elementary and middle school youth. There are also opportunities to involve parents.
Delta Academy is conducted in after-school/Saturday, weekly or biweekly, or monthly programs throughout the school year. In alignment with a structured program, the Chapter plans and implements varied activities based on the needs of the youth in the Anne Arundel County communities. Popular activities include computer training, self-esteem and etiquette workshops, field trips for science experiences and for college exposure, and special outings to cultural events such as museums, theater, and concerts, etc.
The Boys and Girls Club of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County are partners with the Academy.